Most people would agree that individual households do not stand a real chance to make money on the global capital markets. This market is perceived as a field in which the beneficiaries are the veteran and most experienced players.
The fear of trading on the capital market is due to many reasons, including the inability to cope with the available information, lack of professional knowledge and previous experience, technological difficulties, character, mentality, and more.

The amount of information disseminated at all times is practically endless. Any event, even if at first sight ,
sight it does not appear to be economic, may have economic significance. Even if you understand the information and its economic significance, without experience and professional knowledge it is not possible to know how the market will react to this information, and therefore what investment decisions need to be made.
It is clear that focused, correctly explained and described information, in real time can help dispel the fear of trading and increase the number of participants in the market.
What is this similar to?
Imagine that you must find an unfamiliar side street in a big city, in a foreign country, where you do not speak the language, are unable to read the local signs, do not have a map, and have no information about the available types of transportation. You’d be facing a mission impossible. Naturally, today the solution to such a mission is simple: a GPS system or Waze, which allows most of us to reach our destination on our own, anywhere in the world.
By analogy, in the global capital markets, if the mission is defined as making money, the solution should be similar.
The required characteristics of a GPS/Waze system for the global capital markets:
1. Reach the user in real time.
2. Include explanations and graphic analysis, to help users not only with their
decision making, but also to develop and expand their professional knowledge.
3. Reach the users anywhere, at their desktop computers and mobile phones, not only when they are at their desk at work, but also when they are on vacation or simply walking in the park.
4. The information included in the alert must be transmitted at once, not in parts, to help users see the whole picture in one place or in one window.
5. The alert is not a stand-alone entity, but must be part of a sequence of alerts that creates a process, so that users have the ability to see and examine every transaction and respond to it even as it is taking shape.
6. The system of alerts must signal not only when the user is entering a
transaction, but must also track it until the user exits from the transaction.
7. Ability to allow users to see all the stages of the transaction, from the entrance alert to the exit alert, and in the same window also the history of all alerts in the past week.
8. Reach the trader in advance, allowing him enough time to carry out the
Conclusion: good technology alone, or alerts with precise and profitable analysis alone cannot provide a solution. Only a system that integrates unique and specially-developed technology with detailed, accurate, and winning analysis, and with perfect timing, can meet all the above requirements and provide a genuine solution to those who wish to trade on the capital market.
The alerts market worldwide
In the global capital market, there are many providers of trade information and guidance, but a review of most market players shows that there is not a single system that comes even close to meeting the needs of traders.
The good news for traders in the global capital markets and the realization of the dream
The 8alert system is the only one of its kind in the world. Using breakthrough
patented technology and a unique alert-selection methodology, in the hands of a team of veteran and experienced analysts, 8alert has all the features required by a GPS system for the global capital market.
8alert user enjoy both advantages that produce successful alerts.
A. Original technology that takes into account most of the user’s operational needs, i.e., availability, visibility, and the ability to obtain full and complete
information in real time, both to the mobile device and to the desktop
computer through pop-up windows. (Pop-up windows allow tracking each transaction through all its stages, with graphic displays and explanations of each alert, including an option to view the history of alerts of the last week). Users can view the history of alerts in the last two years on the 8alert site.
B. Analytical knowledge and information that includes professional graphs and explanations for each alert, guidance that responds to economic events, keeps track and guides users from the moment they enters a position until they exit it with maximum profit. It is our mission to provide up to 8 alerts every day, thus focusing on quality and not on quantity.
Important: 8alert is not affiliated with or dependent upon any broker or any
interested economic entity.